Quartz Crystals: Tools for Stability in an Unstable World

Have you ever wondered how your smartphone sends and receives messages so quickly?

Our phones use energy waves to send data to cell towers, which then bounce it off satellites and back down to whoever we are messaging. This constant flow of data is similar to how our minds work, constantly processing information 24/7, whether we are awake or asleep.

From the moment we are born, especially until we are about seven years old, we easily take in a lot of information. This information shapes our...

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The Importance of Resonating with Joy in Times of Adversity

Upon reading the title, many of you might wonder if you have understood it correctly. You might even question how it is possible to feel and think about being happy when there is so much suffering around us or when we are suffering ourselves. It may sound incoherent, but our joy can be crucial in changing the course of any event in our life. 

Finding joy and happiness, even in moments of suffering or adversity, is a deep and meaningful topic. Though it may seem contradictory, many...

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Uniting Humanity: The Power of Transparent Information to Prevent Wars

Throughout history, we've seen time and again how people or countries dive into war when they can't sort out their disagreements peacefully. They end up fighting to grab what they want or think they're entitled to.

But, have you ever really thought about why these disagreements turn into wars in the first place?

When it comes to conflict, each side has its own set of information, and often, they just can't find common grounds, pushing them to settle things by force instead.

Let's take a...

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From Finite to Infinite: Transforming Our Limiting Perceptions to Unlock the World We Dream

The infinite universe never ends. It makes some of its parts less visible to make room for things that have clear ends and beginnings to exist. This process allows these things with clear limits be noticeable against the backdrop of the never-ending universe. What we often fail to understand is that when we only focus on the limits of things, we limit ourselves too. Despite we are a tiny part in this enormous cosmos, we're actually full of the same endless potential.

Think about it: we all...

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Mastering Crystalline Manifestation: Tuning into Your Crystalline Brain and Quantum Field

Did you know that our body contains billions of tiny microscopic crystals?

The presence of these crystals in the most complex organ we know provides clues that they may play a major role in memory formation, imagination, creativity, and even consciousness. This opens up promising new avenues of research into human cognition, perception, and neuroscience. The microtubules, the crystalline structures inside our 86 billion neurons deep in our brains, indicate that crystals may have a far more...

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The Toroidal Field: The Key to Spreading Peace from Home to the World

With all that is happening in today’s world, have you ever wished you were surrounded by a protective shield? Guess what? It's not just wishful thinking; we actually have this protective shield in real life, and it's called Toroidal Field.  

Think of it as a giant energy donut swirling around you, linking you to the entire universe. And there is more, this energy bubble has the ability to connect us all.

From you and me to the stars above, we're all part of this massive...

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Mindset Matrix Reboot: Neutralizing and Your Life Code Renewal

In our mental landscape, think of your thoughts and actions forming a complex network, much like a computer's "Mental Matrix." Within this intricate system, we encounter limiting mental programs. These are like deeply ingrained code made up of beliefs and behaviors, repeatedly reinforced until they're firmly part of our mental software.

So, where do these mental programs originate? They're usually installed early on, during our childhood, shaped by societal norms, or carved out with the bumps...

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War or No War? The Implications to Our World Resonance

If we were to creatively explore the "effect of war on the resonance of the world" using quantum concepts, here's my take:

1. Wave Function and Superposition: Just as particles exist in a superposition of states until observed, nations or societies might exist in multiple potential states of peace and conflict. 

Choice plays a pivotal role here:

If we opt for war, our "observation" collapses this superposition into a reality characterized by war.

However, if we instead emphasize peaceful...

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The Karmic Backlash of Choosing the Resonance for Others

Have you ever thought you knew what’s best for someone else and tried to make choices for them? While it might come from a place of care, it can unintentionally cause more harm than good to the person you aim to assist. Acting without explicit awareness and the clear consent of another can lead to unforeseen consequences, affecting not just their life trajectory but ours as well.

Unfortunately, many of us fail to realize that we each enter the world with our own preloaded “hard...

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The Power of Conscious Family Systems

A system is a set of interconnected parts that work together to achieve something. These parts can be conceptual, and their interactions can lead to complex behaviors, even if individual parts behave in a simple manner. 

What do systems have in common?

1. Every system is made of parts.

2. The parts inside a system are interconnected - meaning that a change in one part can affect other parts.

3. Systems generally have a purpose or function they aim to achieve. For example, the circulatory...

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